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Supply And Delivery Of Smart Prepaid Electrical Meters With Spilt Customer Interface Units And Concentrators As Detailed In The Specification Below For A Period Of Thirty-six (36) Months.

The scope of this bid document includes the following requirements and services relating to the delivery and supply of Smart Prepaid Meters, CIU’s and Concentrators: This specification sets the required minimum level of functionality for meters that are required to manage residential and commercial consumption in the areas currently supplied by CENTLEC. At present, residential and commercial customers are supplied by means of single and three phase kWh meters while Bulk customers are supplied by means of three phase quadrant meters. Single and three phase kWh meters should be configurable in credit or in pre-paid mode. The meters shall allow for the monitoring, remote meter reading, control and reporting on electricity consumption via a two-way communication system from a centralized computerized existing CENTLEC master station. The system master station includes facilities for remote disconnection of kWh meters as well as two auxiliary switched outputs to enable geyser and appliance control for all kWh meters. The meter must have open protocol to integrate with the current Smart Metering system CENTLEC currently employs, the meter software system can be stand-alone but should be able access all the data as specified at all time. The deadlineof this tender is 16th August 2022. To know more about this opportunity and many such leads pertaining to your business profile, please feel free to email us at info@goodtenders.com or call us at +91 9867848333